It seems that the antenna rotator is a pretty interesting thing. At least after I have shared links to articles in the Facebook. People started asking me about materials, files, my plans, and so on. This short third part is just about the place containing the STL files required to build your own copy of the SatNOGS rotator.
In part one, I listed the complete list of parts required for building. There are two types of parts: loaded and not. It would be great if all loaded parts were built of nylon, which is much more rigid and durable than ABS. Sure, you can use any kind of material, but keep in mind the load these parts are affected by. In case of gears, the nylon is strongly advised.
I have installed the FreeCAD application, loaded SatNOGS models in it and then exported all the parts as STL files. I divided these files by materials and pushed onto the Git repository. The main advantage of the Git (in respect to STL files) is that the Git engine knows how to display this kind of files right in your browser.
The address of the repository is the following: You can either download every single file or download the complete bundle as an archive. Please note that STL files were created based on models downloaded from the project's site as of September 22, 2018. I don't maintain the original repository and cannot guarantee its immutability. Therefore please check the models and corresponding STLs before printing your parts. The best way to obtain the files for 3D-printing is to export them by yourself from the freshly downloaded FreeCAD models, though.
Feel free to send me comments and your questions (if any) regarding the repository and its content.
In part one, I listed the complete list of parts required for building. There are two types of parts: loaded and not. It would be great if all loaded parts were built of nylon, which is much more rigid and durable than ABS. Sure, you can use any kind of material, but keep in mind the load these parts are affected by. In case of gears, the nylon is strongly advised.
I have installed the FreeCAD application, loaded SatNOGS models in it and then exported all the parts as STL files. I divided these files by materials and pushed onto the Git repository. The main advantage of the Git (in respect to STL files) is that the Git engine knows how to display this kind of files right in your browser.
The address of the repository is the following: You can either download every single file or download the complete bundle as an archive. Please note that STL files were created based on models downloaded from the project's site as of September 22, 2018. I don't maintain the original repository and cannot guarantee its immutability. Therefore please check the models and corresponding STLs before printing your parts. The best way to obtain the files for 3D-printing is to export them by yourself from the freshly downloaded FreeCAD models, though.
Feel free to send me comments and your questions (if any) regarding the repository and its content.
Hello, I need de 1030.stl. I can't find this archive.
I solved the problem.
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